I’ve got to be honest here with you, I don’t like how the photos for this Chocolate Smoothie Bowl turned out at.all! I didn’t like them even while I was shooting them but I had to shoot super fast because the fruit started sinking. Aaaaah! Had I known it would sink, I would have been better prepared for the photo shoot, like I am when I shoot ice cream which to common knowledge melts super fast. With ice cream it is expected that your composition is ruined if you don’t work fast but with a smoothie bowl?!? Oh well, just so you know, if you intend to decorate it beautifully to serve it to someone special such as your mama on mother’s day, make sure you have everything cut out and on hand, assemble and i.m.m.e.d.i.a.t.l.y serve it so she can “awww” over it, then mix it all together and dive in because one thing is for sure, this chocolate smoothie bowl, that happens to be grain-free and gluten-free (you are very welcome), tastes HEAVENLY!

How to make a pretty smoothie bowl
- The base needs some liquid or creamy ingredient, such as milk or yogurt.
- Depending on the base you will need more or less of a “thickener”. If it’s liquid maybe bananas or avocado or oats. If it’s creamy like yogurt, a little nut butter and/or nut flour will to the trick.
- If you are adding cacao to your base to make it a chocolate smoothie bowl, make sure you sift the cacao into the base and work in in parts to avoid bitter cacao lumps and achieve a smooth chocolate flavored base.
- Sweeten the base with your favorite liquid sweetener, I love maple syrup!
- Top the base with your favorite fruit. The more shapes and colors the prettier. Make sure to cut big and/or heavy fruits such as strawberries and bananas into thin slices so they don’t sink immediately.
- Add some extra nutrition and crunch through seeds, chopped up nuts or if you have on hand granooooooolaaaaa!!
Now to something totally food unrelated, I was sick a couple of days and after extensive reading and discussing with the doctor, I most likely passed a small kidney stone. I had labor-like pain, like transition labor like pain, the one you feel when you are almost fully dilated and the uterus is about to start pushing the baby out. The kind of pain you think you won’t be able to bear any longer or you’ll die. I know that my male readers and kid-less female readers won’t be able to relate but certainly will be able to imagine. It’s basically the worst pain that you can still just about bear without drugs. Anything worse than that you’d probably need morphine or something similar. Once it’s out you only feel post-partum-like soreness and inflammation. That’s ok but restricts movement and you still really can’t do much. The thing is, I feel that being sick as a stay-at-home mom is probably the worst that can happen to a family, especially when there is no family around to take over. It’s not only that I was in agony for several days it’s more that everything in the “family business” collapses and becomes so expensive. Ugh! The day it happened I had to call my babysitter to pick up the kids from preschool and keep them home with her until further notice. I had to call my husband home from work because I started to get so nauseous that I was scared I was going to pass out and who would notice? Nobody. Well, probably my babysitter trying to get rid of my kids eventually and not being able to reach me, haha. We had to order in food because I couldn’t cook for several days and my husband had to eat out at work as opposed to taking homemade food with him. I now have 8 piles of laundry on my bedroom floor, our place is horribly messy and dirty and the blog, well I am a bit behind as you might imagine. This smoothie bowl I just photographed and edited. I know you would totally understand if I didn’t post at all today of even the whole week but I feel this strong strong commitment to my third baby, Green Healthy Cooking. Just like I won’t stop feeding my two human babies, I can’t stop feeding my blog baby. I just cannot. Am I insane? Probably! I hope that instead of shaking your heads you can just thank me for this delicious Chocolate Smoothie Bowl recipe and make it home and tell me what you think of it :D

Chocolate Smoothie Bowl
- 1 cup greek yogurt
- 1/4 cup almond flour
- 1.5 Tbsp almond butter
- 1 Tbsp cocoa powder - (dutch-processed)
- 2 Tbsp maple syrup
- 1 cup favorite toppings I used:
- 1 banana
- 1 kiwi
- 2-3 large strawberries
- 1 hand full raspberries
- 1 hand full blueberries
- 1 Tbsp pomegranate seeds
- 2-4 slices carambola - (star fruit)
- 1 Tbsp chia seeds
- 1 Tbsp hemp seeds
- Add yogurt to a mixing bowl and stir until creamy.
- Add almond flour, almond butter and maple syrup and stir until well combined.
- Add cocoa powder by sifting it onto the base and working in little by little to avoid lumps.
- Spoon smoothie base into a bowl and add favorite toppings.
Xenia says
I can really recommend this recipe!
Nice texture and a light chocolate taste.
Couldn’t find almond flour and replaced it with 1/5 cup of normal wheat flour + added one tbsp of the almond butter.
Added berries and figs on top.
I found the serving size a bit too small, so would do 1.5 of the smoothie the next time!
Thank you for inspiring me with your creative recipes, Lorena! :) very much appreciated!
Lorena Grater says
Thank you so much for your review. Xenia I do not recommend eating raw wheat flour. Wheat has to be cooked in order to be able to digest it. If you can’t find almond flour you can either omit and instead top with some chopped almonds or you can grind almonds and make your own almond flour.
Karen @ Seasonal Cravings says
This looks like such a treat, it’s hard to believe it’s healthy. Hope you are feeling better soon! That sounds terrible!
Lorena says
Thank you Karen. I feel much much muuuuuch better now. Attacking those piles of laundry right now and it feels good to be mobile again :)
Lauren @ Lauren Caris Cooks says
These photos are STUNNING!! (I don’t know what you’re talking about ;) ) and I would LOVE someone to make me this bowl any day of the year hehe!
Lorena says
hahahaha, thank you Lauren!!
Silvia @ Ribas With Love says
Hi Lorena! I hope you are feeling better. I went through something similar (ruptured ovarian cyst) and I know exactly how you feel being a stay home mom out of commission. I wanted to tell you how beautiful this smoothie bowl looks, love the soft colors but above all, I love how you helped me understand what goes into the base. I can’t wait to make my next smoothie bowl with your inspiration. Pinned!
Lorena says
Thank you so much Silvia and oh my God ruptured ovarian cyst sounds just as painful :S I hope you are completely back to normal by now. I am almost there and finally working on all that laundry….
AZ@...And a Dash of Cinnamon says
Interesting use of almond flour! Your bowl looks great and you’d never know all your fruit was sinking
Lorena says
Hahah, I took pictures like a ninja once it started to sink ;)