My food philosophy is very simple: eat real food but keep it simple and choose consistency over perfection!
Green Healthy Cooking is all about offering real food recipes made out of 95% unprocessed food. Only 95% because let’s be realistic, not all of us have a mill to grind grains and make flour in the kitchen corner or a cow to milk in the entry hallway.
So, I’m keeping it real in a real-world scenario where all of us have about 39372920 other things on our daily to-do-list after “preparing a healthy meal”.
I do keep it as unprocessed as possible though. The more you make from scratch the healthier you will be and the better you will feel.
Most recipes here take a tiny little bit longer to prepare than what many people hope for. Take into consideration though, that we are what we eat and we don’t want to be fast, cheap, easy or fake, right? I invite you to take time out of your day to prepare a healthy meal almost entirely from scratch. Your body and your mind will thank you, promise!
However, a very important component of my real food and clean eating philosophy is: choose consistency over perfection!
My favorite ingredients as you can tell from the blog name, are GREEN!! This doesn’t mean absolutely all recipes contain greens but a large proportion of them. My family and I make sure to eat at least one green every single day of our life, hoping to one day, finally, get those green eyes my mom used to talk about when I was a child ;)
Changing your diet to a healthy one can be quite challenging if you want to keep enjoying food. Following my recipes, you can be sure you will meet your nutritional needs in a yummy way! Don’t gulp down your daily needs of vitamins and minerals but rather prepare your food and ENJOY eating healthy. Eat green, eat healthily, and enjoy cooking!
In terms of diet, I have only one thing to say, there is no such thing as the perfect healthy diet. There is only “the perfect diet for you”. For that, you have to experiment a little and listen to your body. Listen in very closely and you’ll figure out quickly what makes you thrive and feel good.
Lots of love from my kitchen to yours,